
Multi-agent architecture and framework that eases the development and the operation of large-scale, distributed applications and services.

Lightweight multi-agent architecture and framework that simplifies the development of applications for different kind of devices.


Intuitive and extensible monitor for controlling distributed multi-agent infrastructures at runtime.

Well-equipped BPMN editor, powerful multi-language transformation and workflow simulator.


For more publications, please also refer to the publications of the ACT group at DAI-Labor.


Marco Lützenberger, Tobias Küster, Nils Masuch, Johannes Fähndrich, and Sahin Albayrak: Multi-Agent Systems in Practice – When Research Meets Reality In: John Thangarajah, Karl Tuyls, Catholijn Jonker, and Stacy Marsella (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th International Conferences on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016), Singapore. To appear; 2016


Tobias Küster, Marco Lützenberger, Sahin Albayrak: A Formal Description of a Mapping from Business Processes to Agents In: Matteo Baldoni and Luciano Baresi and Mehdi Dastani (eds.) Engineering Multi-Agent Systems, Third International Workshop, EMAS 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, May 5, 2015, Revised, Selected, and Invited Papers. pp. 153-170. Springer International Publishing; 2015

Tobias Küster, Marco Lützenberger: An Overview of a Mapping from BPMN to Agents (Extended Abstract) In: Rafael H. Bordini, Edith Elkind, Gerhard Weiß, and Pinar Yolum (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th International Conferences on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2015), Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 1783-1784. IFAAMAS; 2015

Marco Lützenberger, Tobias Küster, Thomas Konnerth: Programming of Multiagent Applications with JIAC In: Paulo Leitão and Stamatis Karnouskos, editors, Industrial Agents – Emerging Applications of Software Agents in Industry. pp. 381-400; 2015


Christian Kuster, Tobias Küster, Marco Lützenberger, Sahin Albayrak: Model-driven Development and Validation of Multi-agent Systems in JIAC V with the Agent World Editor In: Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2014); 2014

Tobias Küster, Axel Heßler, Sahin Albayrak: Towards Process-Oriented Modelling and Creation of Multi-Agent Systems In: Dalpiaz, F.; Dix, J. & van Riemsdijk, M. B. (Eds.) Engineering Multi-Agent Systems — Second International Workshop, EMAS 2014, Paris, France, May 5-6, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, Springer International Publishing, 2014, 8758, 163-180

Marco Lützenberger, Tobias Küster, Nils Masuch, Jakob Tonn, Sahin Albayrak: Engineering JIAC Multi-Agent Systems (Demonstration) In: Alessio Lomuscio, Paul Scerri, Ana Bazzan, and Michael Huhns (eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014), Paris, France


Tobias Küster, Marco Lützenberger, Daniel Freund, Sahin Albayrak: Distributed Evolutionary Optimisation for Electricity Price Responsive Manufacturing using Multi-Agent System Technology In: International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems
[Link to Journal]

Nils Masuch, Philipp Brock, Sahin Albayrak: Semi-Automated Generation of Semantic Service Descriptions In: 11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS ’13), Salamanca, Spain

Marco Lützenberger, Tobias Küster, Thomas Konnerth, Alexander Thiele, Nils Masuch, Axel Heßler, Jan Keiser, Michael Burkhardt, Silvan Kaiser, Jakob Tonn, Sahin Albayrak: Engineering Industrial Multi-Agent Systems: The JIAC V Approach In: Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS), AAMAS 2013 Workshop, Saint Paul, MN, USA.

Marco Lützenberger, Tobias Küster, Thomas Konnerth, Alexander Thiele, Nils Masuch, Axel Heßler, Jan Keiser, Michael Burkhardt, Silvan Kaiser, Jakob Tonn, Sahin Albayrak: Industrial Process Optimisation with JIAC (Demonstration) In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conferences on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2013), Saint Paul, MN, United States of America.

Marco Lützenberger, Tobias Küster, Thomas Konnerth, Alexander Thiele, Nils Masuch, Axel Heßler, Jan Keiser, Michael Burkhardt, Silvan Kaiser, Jakob Tonn, Sahin Albayrak: JIAC V – A MAS Framework for Industrial Applications In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conferences on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2013), Saint Paul, MN, United States of America.


Marco Lützenberger, Sebastian Ahrndt, Benjamin Hirsch, Nils Masuch, Axel Heßler, Sahin Albayrak: Reconsider Your Strategy – An Agent-Based Conceptualisation of Compensatory Driver Behaviour. In: Proceedings of the 15th Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Anchorage, AK, USA

Daniel Freund, Marco Lützenberger, and Sahin Albayrak: Costs and Gains of Smart Charging Electric Vehicles to Provide Regulation Services. In: Procedia Computer Science, 10(0):846-853, August 2012

Jan Keiser, Marco Lützenberger, Nils Masuch: Agents Cut Emissions: On how a Multi-Agent System contributes to a more Sustainable Energy Consumption. In: Procedia Computer Science, 10(0):866-873, August 2012.

Tobias Küster, Marco Lützenberger, Axel Heßler, and Benjamin Hirsch: Integrating Process Modelling into Multi-Agent System Engineering. In: Multiagent and Grid Systems – An International Journal, 8(1):105-124, January 2012; 2012

Tobias Küster, Marco Lützenberger, Daniel Freund, Sahin Albayrak: Distributed Optimization of Energy Costs in Manufacturing using Multi-Agent System Technology. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies, St. Maarten, St. Maarten; 2012


Tobias Küster, Marco Lützenberger, Daniel Freund: An Evolutionary Optimisation for Electric Price Responsive Manufacturing. In: Proceedings of the 9th Industrial Simulation Conference, Venice, Italy. 2011.

Nicklas Hoch, Bernd Werther, Henry P. Bensler, Nils Masuch, Marco Lützenberger, Axel Heßler, Sahin Albayrak and Roland Y. Siegwart: A User-Centric Approach for Efficient Daily Mobility Planning in E-Vehicle Infrastructure Networks. In: Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2011. VDI-Buch, 2011, Part 3, 185-198. Springer, 2011.

Dennis Grunewald, Marco Lützenberger, Joël Chinnow, Rainer Bye, Karsten Bsufka and Sahin Albayrak: Agent-based Network Security Simulation. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.

Benjamin Hirsch, Tina Balke, Marco Lützenberger: Assessing Agent Applications – r&D vs. R&d. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE 2011). Springer 2012?.

Axel Heßler, Benjamin Hirsch, Tobias Küster, Sahin Albayrak: AgentStore – a Pragmatic Approach to Agent Reuse. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE 2011). Springer 2012?.

Marco Lützenberger, Nils Masuch, Benjamin Hirsch, Sebastian Ahrndt, Axel Heßler, and Sahin Albayrak: The BDI Driver in a Service City. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2011), Taipei, Taiwan, 2011, 1257-1258. Springer, 2011.


Jan Keiser, Thomas Geithner, Nils Masuch, Marco Lützenberger, Sebastian Ahrndt, Frank Steuer: Verbundprojekt: Klimaentlastung durch den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien im Zusammenwirken mit emissionsfreien Elektrofahrzeugen — MINI E 1.0 : Teilvorhaben: Vehicle 2 Grid — Intelligentes Laden und Entladen verteilter Energiespeicher ; Schlussbericht. Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover, 2010.

Fabian Linges, Sönke Sieckmann, Erik Stürmer, Jonathan Ziller, Axel Heßler: Brainbug Team Description.

Benjamin Hirsch, Thomas Konnerth, Michael Burkhardt, Sahin Albayrak: Programming Service Oriented Agents. In: Service-Oriented Architecture and (Multi-)Agent System Technology. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings. Leibnitz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, 2010.

Rashad Badawy, Benjamin Hirsch, Sahin Albayrak: Agent-based coordination techniques for matching supply and demand in energy networks. In: Journal for Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering – Multi-Agent Systems for Energy Management. Volume 17 Issue 4, pp. 373-382. IOS Press, December 2010.

Moritz Chemnitz, Marcel Patzlaff, Erdene-Ochir Tuguldur, Jörg Krüger: SOPRO – Advancements in the Self-organising Production. In: 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Techonologies and Factory Automation ETFA 2010; 2010.

Tuguldur Erdene-Ochir and Marcel Patzlaff: MOO – MicroJIAC agents Operating Oxen. In: Special Issue of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence: The Multi-Agent Programming Contest: History and Contestants in 2009; Volume 59, Number 3-4. Springer, August 2010.

Axel Heßler, Benjamin Hirsch and Tobias Küster: Herding Cows with JIAC V. In: Special Issue of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence: The Multi-Agent Programming Contest: History and Contestants in 2009; Volume 59, Number 3-4. Springer, August 2010.

Benjamin Hirsch, Thomas Konnerth and Axel Heßler: Merging Agents and Services – the JIAC Agent Platform. In: Bordini, Dastani, Dix, El Fallah Seghrouchni: Multi-Agent Programming: Languages, Tools and Applications, pp. 159-185. Springer, 2009.

Silvan Kaiser, Michael Burkhardt and Jakob Tonn: Drag-and-Drop Migration: An Example of Mapping User Actions to Agent Infrastructures. 1st International Workshop on Infrastructures and Tools for Multiagent Systems (ITMAS 2010), 2010, Toronto, Canada.

Jakob Tonn and Silvan Kaiser: ASGARD – A Graphical Monitoring Tool for Distributed Agent Infrastructures. 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2010), 2010, Salamanca, Spain.

Tobias Küster, Marco Lützenberger, Axel Heßler and Benjamin Hirsch: Integrating Process Modelling into Multi-Agent System Engineering. In: M. Huhns, R. Kowalczyk, Z. Maamar, R. Unland and B. Vo: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop of Service-Oriented Computing: Agents, Semantics, and Engineering (SOCASE), 2010.


Alexander Thiele, Thomas Konnerth, Silvan Kaiser, Jan Keiser and Benjamin Hirsch: Applying JIAC V to real world problems: The MAMS case. In: Multiagent System Technologies, volume 7 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 268-277, Hamburg, Germany, September 2009.

Thomas Konnerth, Silvan Kaiser, Alexander Thiele, and Jan Keiser, MAMS service framework. In: AAMAS ’09: Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pages 1351-1352, Richland, SC, May, 10- 15 2009. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.

Michael Burkhardt, Marco Lützenberger and Nils Masuch: Towards Toolipse 2. Tool Support for the Next Generation Agent Framework. Computing and Information Systems Journal, 2009, 13, 21-28

Marco Lützenberger, Tobias Küster, Axel Heßler and Benjamin Hirsch: Unifying JIAC Agent Development with AWE. In: MATES 2009 Conference Proceedings, 2009. [PDF]

Marco Lützenberger: Development of a Visual Notation and Editor for Unifying the Application Engineering within the JIAC Framework Family. Technische Universität Berlin, 2009

Michael Burkhardt, Marco Lützenberger, Nils Masuch: Towards Toolipse 2. Tool Support for the Next Generation Agent Framework. Proceedings of 11th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS 2009).


Tobias Küster, Axel Heßler: Towards Transformations from BPMN to Heterogeneous Systems. In: Ardagna, D., Mecella, M. and Yang, J. (Eds.) : Business Process Management Workshops — BPM 2008 International Workshops, Milano, Italy, September 1-4, 2008. Revised Papers, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, 17, 200-211


Thomas Konnerth, S. Schenk, Silvan Kaiser and Joachim Fuchs. AESOA – An Agent Enabled Service Oriented Architecture. In: IEEE SOCA 2007

Tobias Küster: Development of a Visual Service Design Tool Providing a Mapping from BPMN to JIAC. Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Berlin, April 2007.

Tuguldur Erdene-Ochir, Marcel Patzlaff: MicroJIAC Agents in MULTI-AGENT PROGRAMMING CONTEST. Fifth International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS’07), Sixth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007. [PDF]

Axel Heßler, Benjamin Hirsch, Jan Keiser: Collecting Gold. JIAC IV Agents in MULTI-AGENT PROGRAMMING CONTEST. Fifth International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS’07), Sixth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007. [PDF]

Sahin Albayrak, Stefan Wollny, Andreas Lommatzsch, Dragan Milosevic: Agent Technology for Personalized Information Filtering: The PIA System. Scientific International Journal for Parallel and Distributed Computing (SCPE), Volume 8, Number 1, pp. 29-40, 2007. [PDF]

Andreas Lommatzsch, Sahin Albayrak: Using Multi-Agent Systems for Learning optimal Policies for complex Problems. ACM-SE 45: Proceedings of the 45th annual southeast regional conference. ACM Press, 2007. [DOI] [PDF]

Jan Stender, Silvan Kaiser, Sahin Albayrak: Mobility-based Runtime Load Balancing in Multi-Agent Systems. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE’06). Knowledge Systems Institute, 2006. [PDF]


Karsten Bsufka, Olaf Kroll-Peters, Sahin Albayrak: Intelligent Network-Based Early Warning Systems. Critical Information Infrastructures Security, First International Workshop, CRITIS 2006, Samos, Greece, August 31 – September 1, 2006, Revised Papers. Springer, 2006. [DOI] [PDF]

Benjamin Hirsch, Thomas Konnerth, Axel Heßler, Sahin Albayrak: A Serviceware Framework for Designing Ambient Services. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ambient Intelligence Developments (AmID’06). Springer, 2006. [PDF]

Sebastian Feuerstack, Marco Blumendorf, Grzegorz Lehmann, Sahin Albayrak: Seamless Home Services. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ambient Intelligence Developments (AmID’06). Springer, 2006. [PDF]

Thomas Konnerth, Benjamin Hirsch, Sahin Albayrak: JADL: An Agent Description Language for Smart Agents. 4th International Workshop, DALT 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 8, 2006, Selected, Revised and Invited Papers. Springer, 2006. [DOI] [PDF]


Jens Wohltorf, Richard Cissée, Andreas Rieger, Heiko Scheunemann: BerlinTainment – An Agent-Based Serviceware Framework for Context-Aware Services. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems – ISWCS 2004, 20-22 September 2004, Mauritius. [PDF]

Tim Geissler, Olaf Kroll-Peters: Applying Security Standards to Multi Agent Systems. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Safety and Security in Multiagent Systems, Sasamas’04, AAMAS’04, New York. [PDF]


Richard Cissée: An Architecture for Agent-Based Privacy-Preserving Information Filtering. Sixth International Workshop on Trust, Privacy, Deception and Fraud in Agent Systems. 2003.

Torge Schmidt: ASITA: Advanced Security Infrastructure for Multi-Agent-Applications in the Telematic Area. Dissertation. DAI-Labor, TU Berlin. [PDF]


Ralf Sesseler, Alexander Keiblinger, Nicolas Varone: Software Agent Technology in Mobile Service Environments. Workshop on M-Services at the 13th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2002). [PDF]


Stefan Fricke, Karsten Bsufka, Jan Keiser, Torge Schmidt, Ralf Sesseler, Sahin Albayrak: Agent-based Telematic Services and Telecom Applications. A toolkit for realizing development, deployment, and management of agent-based systems and services. Communications of the ACM, Volume 44, Issue 4 (April 2001), pp. 43 – 48. [DOI]

Sahin Albayrak, Ralf Sesseler: Service-ware Framework for Developing 3G Mobile Services. White paper. DAI-Labor, 2001. [PDF]